
2005/10/04 at 10:50

This morning, while I was running on the Town Lake trail, I saw a woman wearing a T-shirt with this slogan emblazoned across her chest:
This is what a feminist looks like
So, should I be embarrassed that I noticed it? Hey, I like to read t-shirts on passersby when I’m running.

Ike was right

2005/10/03 at 12:28

Holy curmudgeon, batman! I can’t believe it: I agree with Andy Rooney about something, specifically, the cost of the war in Iraq (though I still can’t stand him).

Celebrity “News”

2005/10/03 at 11:35

While waiting at the supermarket checkout line a couple of days ago, I noticed that three of the celebrity news magazines (a.k.a. tabloids) featured the very same photo of Ashton and Demi on the cover (by using just their first names, I sound like I have some actual interest in their wedding or other celebrity ‘news’). I would think that each magazine would want a distinct photo. I would be interested in the learning about the processes that resulted in such amazing homogeneity.

How high’s the water, mama?

2005/10/03 at 09:34

As soon as the levees were breached and New Orleans started flooding after hurricane Katrina, I tried to impress on people that this tragedy affected all types of New Orleanians, not just the ones we saw on TV who were did not get out ahead of time: white and black; poor, middle-class, and wealthy (though some were obviously more seriously affected than others. That’s a discussion for another post).
As I’ve thought about this, I’ve concluded that standing water flooding is its own type of hell because it leaves your house and it contents in place for the most part, but also pretty much completely ruined. If your house is blown away by hurricane winds or washed away by torrents of water, it’s certainly tragic, but you pretty much know that you start over from scratch. But with standing water flooding, you eventually have to return to figure out what to do with everything–what stays, what goes, do you repair the house or rebuild, etc. This Flickr photo set shows what one New Orleans family returned to.

A brief history of time

2005/09/29 at 16:20

Over at Making Light, Jim Macdonald wrote an interesting post about the history of telling time.

Juvenile humor

2005/09/28 at 09:31

I swiped this image from Eliot Gelwan’s excellent blog, Follow Me Here:

Have it your way

2005/09/26 at 09:51

As a card-carrying geek, Firefox is my as my browser of choice, and I use it to access my personal email via Google’s Gmail. I really like Gmail, but there is one little issue that was bugging me: a lack of a ‘delete’ button. A couple of the most commonly used actions get their own buttons in Gmail, but others, including Delete, are relegated to a dropdown. To delete a message, I had to either check it on the list page or view it, and then select ‘Delete’ from the actions dropdown.
The other day I thought: I have Greasemonkey installed on Firefox. I wonder if anyone has created a user script to solve this problem. Sure enough, it took me about a minute to find and install a Greasemonkey user script to insert a Delete button into Gmail!

Thought bubble: Just kill me now

2005/09/25 at 20:32


Those wacky Japanese

2005/09/24 at 08:21

When we are at the grocery store, the kids occasionally get me to agree to play the grab-a-plush-toy game. Man, our grocery store looks boring now. If we lived in Japan, we could try out hand at catching our dinner:

Take the red pill

2005/09/22 at 21:25

I don’t usually like to link to memes that are making the rounds, but this one is just too good to pass up. The image below is a new Roman Catholic recruiting poster (click on image for larger version):

UPDATE: Best comment about this poster from a discussion board I frequenet: When people starting marketing religion like they would a movie or any other product, they shouldn’t be surprised if that’s how people begin to treat it.