The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

2005/08/12 at 09:29

I just completed the audio edition of The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. It’s an ambitious and lyrical exploration of family, history and empire in Africa. It’s an amazing book, though I barely made it all the way through.

Post-vacation resolutions

2005/08/08 at 11:13

We just spent a week in the mountains of New Mexico with no TV, radio, recorded music or computer. It was blissful. I took along a book, some magazines and some needlework, but the most I managed to accomplish was to read a few National Geographic articles. I have little idea what happened in the world last week, and I don’t really care.
Based on that experience, I’m vowing to do the following now:

  • Watch less television
  • Surf the Internet less; specifically, I have a list of web sites that I visit pretty much daily. I’m removing a couple of those
  • Spend more quiet time (facilitated by the previous two items)
  • Read more

We’ll see how it goes…

Back from vacation

2005/08/06 at 20:29

We just returned from a very relaxing short vacation in the mountains of southern New Mexico. Getting back into the swing of things again…

Going to the movies

2005/07/27 at 16:31

Katie and the kids are visiting family and friends in San Antonio this week, so I’m living the bachelor life. So, I took myself to see War of the Worlds the other evening. It was the first time in months that I’ve gone to the movie theater, and the first time in years I’ve been to see a movie that wasn’t appropriate for children.
I have to say that having a DVR and DVD player at home completely changed my movie-watching experience. First off, I had to sit captive through 25 freakin’ minutes of deafening commercials before the movie started (I arrived 10 minutes before the posted start time, and commercials continued for 15 minutes after that time). Additionally, I couldn’t stop the movie to go to the bathroom or back it up to hear or see something that I missed.

That Old Ace in the Hole by Annie Proulx

2005/07/27 at 13:20

I just completed the abridged audio edition of That Old Ace in the Hole by Annie Proulx. It was just okay, nothing special.
The thing that bothered the about the book was the feeling that Ms. Proulx either had little direct experience with the type of people about whom she was writing (Texas panhandle farmers and ranchers), or that she held those people in subtle contempt. It felt like at some level, she was making fun of them or portraying them as caricatures.

Rabbit hunting

2005/07/27 at 09:32

I frequently walk the dogs off their leashes in the fields between the golf fairways near our house. In the late evening and early morning, we frequently encounter rabbits in the open on the edges of the fairways. Xena has become an avid rabbit hunter, but she remains a terrible one. She just doesn’t see the rabbits until she practically trips over them. Tippie, on the other hand, spots them from a distance and gives a try at catching them (NOTE: Tippie has never come close to actually catching a rabbit, and I don’t expect either dog ever to catch one).
This morning, the reason for this difference finally dawned on me: Tippie is sight-oriented; Xena is smell-oriented. While she’s running around, Tippie has her head up looking a ways in front of her. Xena, on the other hand, has her head down and her nose working furiously. She’s an enthusiastic hunter because she smells the rabbits, but she can’t actually locate one that’s in the open because her attention is on the smells in her immediate vicinity. Before she gets close enough to smell a rabbit, it has already run into the weeds.

Good customer service, again

2005/07/25 at 08:44

shark_mako.jpg Following on my recent good experience with Sony’s repair of my camera, I just had another very good support experience. I’ve worn a FreeStyle Shark Mako watch for several years, and I have been very pleased with it. I’m hard on watches, so that fact that I’ve worn it pretty much daily for several years is a positive indication of its durability. The only problem is that the plastic band has split two times. A couple of weeks ago, I sent it back to FreeStyle for its second new band and a battery ($24). On Friday, it arrived home. Only it was a new watch! No indication why they replaced the whole watch instead of just the band and battery, but I’m not complaining.

The Season of Lillian Dawes by Katherine Mosby

2005/07/23 at 20:13

I just completed the unabridged audio edition of The Season of Lillian Dawes by Katherine Mosby, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The language used in the novel is really over the top sophisticated, but since it’s written in the voice of a young privileged American man, the language fits him and his world perfectly.
I also realized that this novel shares many themes with another book I read and enjoyed recently: The Absence of Nectar. Both books have a main character who has obscured his or her identity and history, and both books are a kind of coming-of-age story, though the details differ radically between the two books.

Staunch liberal

2005/07/22 at 09:30

In response to an astute observation by Fred Clark, I’ve created a new bumper sticker on CafeShops/CafePress:
It’s for sale to the public (at no markup).

Sex offender testing

2005/07/21 at 16:30

I heard on the local news this morning that Texas is running a pilot program to identify sex offenders with the “highest level of deviant arousal.” The offender is connected to a bunch of physiological monitors, including one on the shaft of the penis, and his arousal level is measured as he is shown different types of images that might be sexually arousing.
The purpose:

The state says these new tests will help them weed out the low-risk sex offenders, like the 19-year-old who has sex with his 16-year-old girlfriend, from the pedophile who seeks sexual pleasure from children on the playground.
“The folks that show the highest level of deviant arousal are the ones we need to pay the most attention to and contribute the most resources to,” said Siegel.

I’m already uncomfortable with the whole idea that sex offenders cannot be rehabilitated or that they cannot control their actions.
This test, should it be adopted, raises further questions. What about ‘false positives’: men who are incorrectly identified as being aroused by ‘deviant’ images? And to me, it seems there’s a big difference between arousal and acting on that arousal.
We’re letting these people back into society but we’re trying to tell the public that they’re likely to continue their violent behavior. I’m certainly not a fan of locking someone up and throwing away the key, but isn’t one reason for incarceration to remove dangerous people from the general population? If we are so sure they’re so dangerous, why are we letting them out of prison in the first place?