Identifying form elements by the <label> tag contents

In a previous post, I explained how I use the text associated with UI objects in my cucumber tests. My steps look something like this:

Given I go to the login page
And I enter "johndoe" in the field with id "username"
And I enter "password1" in the field with id "password"

If the application under test is using the <label> tag to identify form elements (and it should! The <label> tag was designed specifically for this purpose), then your application under test has UI objects that look something like this:

<label for="username">Username</label>
<input name="username" type="text"></input>

Writing a cucumber step to interact with the <input> field based on the text in the <label> tag consists of locating the label element and then using the value of its for= attribute to locate the input element. Using the Selenium bindings, my code looks like this:

  this.Given(/^I enter "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" field$/, function (textToEnter, labelText, callback) {
    xpath = '//label[contains(.,"' + labelText + '")]';
    this.getAttribute(xpath, 'for').then(
      function (value) {
      // get the input tag with the name= {value} and enter the text
        xpath = '//input[@name="' + value + '"]';
        that.setValue(xpath, textToEnter).then(
          function () {
          function (err) {
      function (err) {

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