Throughout my career, I’ve been struck by how tight companies can be with expenditures but how freely they waste money via time. Of course, this is because labor is already budgeted and paid regardless of how efficiently it’s spent, and, I suppose, because it’s difficult to quantify time wasting.
In particular, if I get into a pointless meeting, I start to think about the money being spent. If only someone said, ‘You know, we’ve just spent $X on this meeting” it might cause people to spend their time more carefully.
Well, someone finally acted on this thought. I present to you The Meeting Cost Ticker. Enter the number of participants and the rate per hour per person, and it shows the cost of the meeting as it progresses.
(Thankfully, with agile, I get caught in far fewer pointless meetings than in non-agile environments)
(Via Boing Boing)