Descriptive vs prescriptive testing

Over at his Collaborative Software Testing blog, Jonathan Kohl has an interesting post about Descriptive and Prescriptive Testing which he defines as follows:
A prescriptive style is a preference towards direction (“do this, do that”) while a descriptive style is more reflective (“this is what we did”). Both involve desired outcomes or goals, but one attempts to plan the path to the outcome in more detail in advance, and the other relies on trying to reach the goals with the tools you have at hand, reflecting on what you did and identifying gaps, improving as you go, and moving towards that end goal.
Jonathan also explores the personality types that are drawn to each type of testing, and he relates how he recently incorporated descriptive testing into a prescriptive environment:

For example, I helped a friend out with a testing project a few weeks ago. They directed me to a test plan and classic scripted test cases. . . Within an hour or two of following test cases, I got worried about my mental state and energy levels. I stopped thinking and engaging actively with the application and I felt bored. I just wanted to hurry up and get through the scripted tests I’d signed on to execute and move on. I wanted to use the scripted test cases as lightweight guidance or test ideas to explore the application in far greater detail than what was described in the test cases. I got impatient and I had to work hard to keep my concentration levels up to do adequate testing. I finally wrapped up later that day, found a couple of problems, and emailed my friend my report.

And then he explains how he developed some descriptive testing:

The next day, mission fulfilled, I changed gears and used an exploratory testing approach. I created a coverage outline and used the test cases as a source of information to refer to if I got stuck. I also asked for the user manual and release notes. I did a small risk assessment and planned out different testing techniques that might be useful. I grabbed my favorite automated web testing tool and created some test fixtures with it so I could run through hundreds of tests using random data very quickly. That afternoon, I used my lightweight coverage to help guide my testing and found and recorded much more rich information, more bugs, and I had a lot of questions about vague requirements and inconsistencies in the application.

Like Jonathan, I definitely lean towards the descriptive testing approach. In fact, you might say that the experience that I recently described in my post Just enough process: the checklist was an attempt to balance out prescriptive and descriptive testing.