In an earlier post, I made reference to Alistair Cockburn’s application of Shu Ha Ri to agile adoption. This comment summarizes a session at Agile 2008 in which the participants broke this agile maturity scale down even further:
0- The Agile Convert attempts to understand and learn all the Practices.
1- The Agile Purist follows all the Practices (this is the evangelical recent agile convert).
2- The Agile Pragmatist starts to realize that not all practices work in all situations and pursues the Agile Principles molding the Practices to their specific environment.
3- The Agile Purist follows all the Principles.
4- The Agile Pragmatist starts to realize that not all Principles work in all situations and pursues the Agile Values molding the Practices and Principles to their specific environment.
5- The Agile Purist follows all the Values.
6- The Agile Pragmatist starts to realize that not all values work in all situations and pursues the ??? molding the practices to their specific environment.
7- The self-actualized agile follower realizes that Agile is the embodiment of some higher understanding that can be applied in part or whole to any environment to help deliver more value… forget the boundaries of values, principles, or practices… these are just simple mechanisms to enable the education of agile to others.
On this scale, I would rate myself about a 4, with quite a bit of 7 thinking thrown in.
Where do you stand on this scale?